Be careful mixing ch units with webfonts
The ch unit is an easy way to restrict an element's measure in CSS, but it can have unintended layout shift problems when combined with webfonts.
Today’s job search is a data privacy hellscape
Companies are harvesting candidate personal data and there's not much we can do about it.
Quickly set up local PostgreSQL with Docker Compose
Set up postgres and adminer locally with docker compose.
Custom horizontal rules with markdown-it and Eleventy
By overriding markdown-it's default rendering, we can replace the horizontal rule with any element
Designing CLI documentation from the ground up
A case study on launching the Bearer CLI docs
How to publish code in blog posts with Webflow
The tedius process of adding code to blog posts in Webflow
Adding Variable Fonts to a Gatsby Site
Using CSS-in-JS to manage variable fonts in a Gatsby site
Adding Automatic Retries to Fetch
How to add automatic retries to fetch without any libraries.
Custom Footnotes with MDX in Gatsby
Using the MDX wrapper key to customize your MDX output
Powering up GitHub Classroom with Probot
Automate low-hanging feedback and default settings
Creating a Scroll Dependent Navigation
One technique for designing a scroll-dependent hidden navigation bar
Initial impressions of Jekyll
A handful of problems & a few solid upsides to the static site generator